The insight behind Ideas Blitz

Ideas Blitz is based on an insight of mine when I was working with managers and emerging leaders.

I noticed that paradoxically whenever I gave them less time to solve a problem than they were used to or ever imagined they could generate often amazing new solutions.

I also noticed that in group work that not much happened until the last 15 minutes or so of a 1 hour session.

Then there was a great burst of creativity and energy and new ideas, solutions and decisions emerged.

I asked myself a number of questions:

– What if I could harness this burst of creativity and productivity?

– Could every student, manager, leaders and business owner and group access this accelerated way of working & studying?

– Could it be taught?

– Could I design a tool that any emerging leader for example could use to harness their latent creative energy?


These types of questions led me to develop a new way of creating which I called Speed Thinking.

I then wrote a book about this new concept and developed a tool which I call Ideas Blitz.

This is the reason I have dedicated this web site to bring this breakthrough tool to every individual and group throughout the world.

And yes I have taught literally thousands of students, managers, team leaders and business owners to become more creative, energised and productive.


I trust you like Ideas Blitz and use it again and again.

Please spread the word.

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