The 24 hour employee ideas program

Managers and leaders are under constant time-pressure to solve their key problems faster than ever before.

And in a world where everything can be copied big, new ideas are wanted more than ever.

What if:
We could solve a pressing problem or opportunity in just 24  hours?
We could involve everyone in the organisation in the creative and innovation process?
We could make the 24 Hour Ideas Blitz part of the way we do business around here?

We could have an awesome time, work with a diverse group and learn a powerful new creative thinking tool?

The 24 hours employee ideas program concept:

– A specific 24 hour challenge is developed every month.

– This should vary by department or function.

– The brief is then posted, sent or given to the entire organisation (or at least the team leaders) at say 4.00pm on a Thursday.

– The challenge has to be a business building one rather than say a specific departmental one for example.

– Groups of 4-6 people (volunteers) are formed.

– Each team will be shown how to use the Ideas Blitz Tool to generate a range of new ideas and solutions (an Ideas Blitz is the tool or application of Speed Thinking for groups and teams).

– The groups will work throughout the morning to generate a breakthrough solution(s).

The best solution(s) will be presented to an initial evaluation panel of leaders at lunch-time the next day.

– Based on this review the groups will be given the opportunity to:

– Present their solution to the leadership team at say 4.00pm that day or
– Asked to build/improve on their recommendation or

– Start again.

The selected groups will present their solutions to the leadership team (and the rest of the organisation) at 4.00pm on a Friday.

Presentation of awards, drinking and general partying follows.

 The Benefits:

The 24 Hour Ideas Blitz is a fast, intense, focused way to solve a key business issue every month.

Ideally the business challenge is a key one where a business-as-usual approach has not worked and/or some fresh thinking is needed.

Because the challenge is of a broader business nature it will expand the understanding of the business among all participants.

This process is fun, engaging and will be an amazing learning opportunity for all involved.

It will develop your people and might uncover a creative resource that is hidden in the agency.

The 24 Hour Blitz should also improve the general creative and innovative capability of the organisation and in particular the ability to think quickly under time-pressure.

The process can be scheduled in (say once a month) so the disruption to the business.

In short, the 24 Hour Ideas Blitz is a way to unlock the creativity of all the staff and bring the tired, old employee ideas program to life.

If you would like to give this a go then please contact me.
Happy Blitzing.
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