What does a 7 day creativity workout look like?

I went to the gym yesterday.

Nothing surprising about this as I tend to go quite regularly.

When i am not on a cardiac machine i follow a pre-determined workout using the weight machines.

I find this motivating and i can track my progress towards my goals.

During this workout I kept wondering why we couldn’t apply the same logic to creativity?

Many of us want to be more creative and innovative so why not set out (say) a weekly program to achieve this.

Think of attending a mental gym rather than a physical one.

So this is my attempt at designing a weekly creativity workout.

What is key is that I am adopting a position that says that creativity is a skill that we all have and can be improved with practice.

Day 1:
Volunteer for a brainstorming session this week. It does not matter when, where or on what topic — just participate in one.

Day 2:
Try and have at least one creative conversation per day for the rest of the week.

A creative conversation is one where you try and enhance an initial idea to make it stronger or better.

Day 3:
Solve a problem using the Power of 3 tool (i.e. develop a usual, different and radical range of solutions).

Day 4.
Run an Ideas Blitz today. It could be to prepare for a presentation, meeting or to solve a problem.

Just get in the habit of dedicating 10 per day to Blitzing or accelerating your creativity.

Day 5:
Share an original insight, perspective or idea with your team. It could be a You Tube video or research report or a challenging blog post.

Day 6:
Do something different today.

It could be going to the theatre or watching a new movie or reading an article about something you do not know anything about.

Day 7:
Challenge the status quo.

The idea here is that you select an existing product, assumption, report, process or practice and challenge it.

As yourself — How could you make it better? Could you delete it? Why is it still in place? What if we tried something new?

Now design a quick test or experiment of a new approach.

There it is.

Your 7 day creativity workout.

Try it and let me know how you go.

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