At last, a creativity & innovation tool for millennials

According to a 2013 Millennials study by Deloittes:

– 62% of Millennials describe themselves as innovative

– 58% agree with the statement — i contribute to my innovation efforts

– 60% agree with the statement — I work for an innovative company

– 56% of Millennials believe that their friends and colleagues would describe them as innovative.

It is apparent from these results that Millennials or Generation Y for the most part consider themselves to be creative and innovative.

I suspect these figures are much higher than other generations.

We also know from other research that Millennials like to collaborate, involve others in idea generation and problem solving and want results quickly.

They have also grown up with technology.

Hence it makes sense that this generation in particular would be open to and in fact would enjoy learning about a new creativity and innovation tool that is faster, more energising, democratic and less time-consuming than brainstorming for example.

Enter Ideas Blitz.

This has certainly been my experience.

I have taught this new approach in schools, universities and with young, emerging leaders across the world with immediate impact.

In fact, Millennials are the most open to this new way of thinking, creating and solving.

Partly because they are not fighting 20 to 30 years of habit and also they respond well to the short, sharp, dynamic nature of Blitzing.

So if you are an millennial or a young team leader then give Ideas Blitz a go.

You will like the face to face version and fall in love with the iphone or ipad version.

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