What are the key benefits of Blitzing?

What is Blitzing?

Blitzing is a short way of talking about my new idea generation and problem solving tool called Ideas Blitz.

Ideas Blitz is the tool of Speed Thinking — a new accelerated way of thinking and behaving.

This tool can be used by individuals, groups or teams.

My insight behind Speed Thinking & Ideas Blitz is that what stops most people from realising their full creative potential is their own internal voice.

You know the voice that judges and filter your initial, often amazing ideas.

For example, what if I am wrong? Or make a mistake? Or what will others think?

I have found that it I can encourage people to think fast they have no time to filter their own ideas.

This is why in the start phase I ask people to try and create 9 ideas in 2 minutes.

By doing this there is no time to question, doubt or judge — people just create.

And they are often amazed by their responses.

Suddenly people have a way to access their hidden creativity — in minutes!

What are the key benefits of Blitzing?

– Speed Thinking or it’s tool Ideas Blitz helps individuals and groups to get started and stop procrastinating:

– It helps individuals and groups to create new ideas or solutions when they need it rather than waiting round for inspiration or the right people or the right time.

– More people can become involved and engaged in the creative and innovative process and contribute their ideas.

– It helps people who don’t consider themselves to be creative:

– It stops people filtering their amazing initial ideas. This is the biggest barrier to creativity.

– Ideas Blitz in the starting phase in particular helps people enters an individual and group flow which is considered the peak performance state.

– The tool and 5 step process can be easily learned and applied almost immediately.

– And lastly Ideas Blitz is more time-efficient.

Calling a Blitz provides a better, faster alternative than automatically calling a meeting which is the default action of most managers:

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